567 research outputs found

    On the Reusability of User Interface Declarative Models

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    The automatic generation of user interfaces based on declarative models achieves a significant reduction of the development effort. In this paper, we analyze the feasibility of using two well-known techniques such as XInclude and Packaging in the new context of reusing user-interface model specifications. After analyzing the suitability of each technique for UI reutilization and implementing both techniques in a real system, we show that both techniques are suited to be used within the context of today’s existing model-based user interfaces

    Reusing UI elements with Model-Based User Interface Development

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    This paper introduces the potential for reusing UI elements in the context of Model-Based UI Development (MBUID) and provides guidance for future MBUID systems with enhanced reutilization capabilities. Our study is based upon the development of six inter-related projects with a specific MBUID environment which supports standard techniques for reuse such as parametrization and sub-specification, inclusion or shared repositories. We analyze our experience and discuss the benefits and limitations of each technique supported by our MBUID environment. The system architecture, the structure and composition of UI elements and the models specification languages have a decisive impact on reusability. In our case, more than 40% of the elements defined in the UI specifications were reused, resulting in a reduction of 55% of the specification size. Inclusion, parametrization and sub-specification have facilitated modularity and internal reuse of UI specifications at development time, whereas the reuse of UI elements between applications has greatly benefited from sharing repositories of UI elements at run time.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2010-19154Junta de Andalucía TIC-633

    Rete Algorithm Applied to Robotic Soccer

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    This article is a first approach to the use of Rete algorithm to design a team of robotic soccer playing agents for Robocup Soccer Server. Rete algorithm is widely used to design rule-based expert systems. Robocup Soccer Server is a system that simulates 2D robotic soccer matches. The paper presents an architecture based on CM United team architecture for Robocup Soccer Server simulation system. It generalizes the low-level information received by the agent as high-level soccer concepts. This way it can take advantage of expert system design techniques

    A Certified Polynomial-Based Decision Procedure for Propositional Logic

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    In this paper we present the formalization of a decision procedure for Propositional Logic based on polynomial normalization. This formalization is suitable for its automatic verification in an applicative logic like Acl2. This application of polynomials has been developed by reusing a previous work on polynomial rings [19], showing that a proper formalization leads to a high level of reusability. Two checkers are defined: the first for contradiction formulas and the second for tautology formulas. The main theorems state that both checkers are sound and complete. Moreover, functions for generating models and counterexamples of formulas are provided. This facility plays also an important role in the main proofs. Finally, it is shown that this allows for a highly automated proof development

    Sistema certificado de decisión proposicional basado en polinomios

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    En [2] introducimos una regla de inferencia para la lógica proposicional (basado en el uso de la derivación de polinomios) denominada regla de independencia, diseñada para el cálculo de retracciones conservativas, y que sirve para diseñar un procedimiento de decisión proposicional. En el presente trabajo presentamos una implementación en Haskell del procedimiento y su certificación mediante QuickCheck

    Generalizing Programs via Subsumption

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    In this paper we present a class of operators for Machine Learning based on Logic Programming which represents a characterization of the subsumption relation in the following sense: The clause C 1 subsumes the clause C 2 iff C 1 can be reached from C 2 by applying these operators. We give a formalization of the closeness among clauses based on these operators and an algorithm to compute it as well as a bound for a quick estimation. We extend the operator to programs and we also get a characterization of the subsumption between programs. Finally, a weak metric is presented to compute the closeness among programs based on subsumption.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2000-1368-C03-0Junta de Andalucía TIC-13

    A Quasi-Metric for Machine Learning

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    The subsumption relation is crucial in the Machine Learning systems based on a clausal representation. In this paper we present a class of operators for Machine Learning based on clauses which is a characterization of the subsumption relation in the following sense: The clause C 1 subsumes the clause C 2 iff C 1 can be reached from C 2 by applying these operators. In the second part of the paper we give a formalization of the closeness among clauses based on these operators and an algorithm to compute it as well as a bound for a quick estimation.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2000-1368-C03-0Junta de Andalucía TIC-13

    KRRT: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Tutor System

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    Knowledge Representation & Reasoning (KR&R) is a fundamental topic in Artificial Intelligence. A basic KR language is First– Order Logic (FOL), the most representative logic–based representation language, which is part of almost any introductory AI course. In this work we present KRRT (Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Tutor). KRRT is a Web–based system which main goal is to help the student to learn FOL as a KR&R language.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2004–0388

    Verification in ACL2 of a Generic Framework to Synthesize SAT–Provers

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    We present in this paper an application of the ACL2 system to reason about propositional satisfiability provers. For that purpose, we present a framework where we define a generic transformation based SAT–prover, and we show how this generic framework can be formalized in the ACL2 logic, making a formal proof of its termination, soundness and completeness. This generic framework can be instantiated to obtain a number of verified and executable SAT–provers in ACL2, and this can be done in an automatized way. Three case studies are considered: semantic tableaux, sequent and Davis–Putnam methods.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1368-C03-0

    Formal Verification of Molecular Computational Models in ACL2: A Case Study

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    Theorem proving is a classical AI problem with a broad range of applications. Since its complexity is exponential in the size of the problem, many methods to parallelize the process has been proposed. One of these approaches is based on the massive parallelism of molecular reactions. ACL2 is an automated theorem prover especially adequate for algorithm verification. In this paper we present an ACL2 formalization of a molecular computational model: Adleman’s restricted model. As an application of this model, an implementation of Lipton’s experiment solving SAT is described. We use ACL2 to make a formal proof of the completeness and soundness properties of this implementation.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1368-C03-0